Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Version 5.0
Program Design and Programming
Mark Cawthon
3550 Pacific Avenue #210
Livermore, CA 94550
Genie Mail: M.CAWTHON1
GoGo->ST is a replacement for the file selection windows of
the normal GEM desktop. With a single click of the mouse you can
run a program or load a document into an application without the
tedious search through folders and drives.
Version 5.0 is the first to allow access to all ST and TT
computer resolutions! Intense testing has removed all bugs.
Version 4.2, fixes some minor bugs.
New in version 4.1, many areas have been streamlined to run faster,
also TTP parameters can be selected from the file selector! This greatly
improves the TTP interface. In version 4.0 you had to type each parameter
by hand.
News Flash!: As of 2/20/91, GoGo->ST has been selected to be
included on all new copies of Universal Item Selector from A&D Software!
The owner of A&D Software said he loves GoGo->ST and asked for permission
to do this. If you don't already have Universal Item Selector on your
ST, go out and buy this one. It's the most popular utility ever written
for the ST market in my opinion.
New in version 4.0, programs of the type TTP are handled just like they
are from the desktop. A dialog box appears whenever you select a '.TTP' type
program for execution and you must enter the path and filename of the file
you wish to be loaded by the TTP program.
Starting with version 3.0, Memos allows your GoGo->ST main screen
to store and find addresses, phone numbers, appointments, birthdays,
etc. etc. with just a few keystrokes! Memos can pop-up on the days
you set them to do so. Such as a birthday coming up. Also a Memo will pop-
up 15 minutes before the time set on it, if a time has been set. Use of the
question mark '?' as a wild card in place of any date or time data allows
for much flexibility in when a Memo will pop-up. Direct any questions about
GoGo->ST to my Genie mailbox M.CAWTHON1 or drop me a note thru the mail!
A New section on Using Memos! is now included with this manual. See
I hope you like your personalized copy of GoGo->ST without
that 1 minute dialog when you first load. Updates are available for
$10.00. If you are an Un-registered user, see at end of manual how you
too can become one of the select few to receive a personalized copy of
the newest version along with an updated manual! I specialize in FAST
turn-around on all mailings!
Installing GoGo->ST
Hard Disk Installation:
1) Make a folder for GoGo->ST on any partition on your hard
2) Copy the entire contents of the GoGo->ST disk or
contents of the de-arced archive file into this folder.
3) From the Desktop double click on GOGOST.PRG to execute
it the first time.
Floppy Disk Installation:
Although GoGo->ST was designed primarily for use on Hard Disk
systems, it is possible to ease operation of a floppy only
system with GoGo->ST.
1) Copy the entire contents of the GoGo->ST disk or
contents of the de-arced archive file to a floppy.
2) From the Desktop double click on GOGOST.PRG to execute
it the first time.
3) GoGo->ST will load AUTO.LST as the current list.
4) On each floppy that you wish GoGo to have access to,
copy AUTO.LST from the main GoGo disk to the root
directory of the access disk.
5) Use the up arrow in GoGo to read the AUTO.LST file
on each new floppy.
6) Use the Edit button on GoGo to modify each AUTO.LST
to load programs from that floppy.
Setting GoGo->ST to Autoload at bootup time:
This is essential to getting the most out of GoGo. Two methods
are employed to autoboot the GOGOST.PRG, your method will
depend on the version of TOS currently on your system.
TOS 1.2 or Less:
1) Copy the file STARTGEM.PRG to the \AUTO directory of
your boot disk. (if you have a hard disk then C:\AUTO)
2) Copy the file STARTGEM.INF to the root directory of the
boot disk. (hard disk users normally will use C:\)
3) Edit STARTGEM.INF to hold the path and filename of your
copy of GOGOST.PRG (eg. if you have GoGo on drive E: and
in folder GOGO then path/filename is E:\GOGO\GOGOST.PRG )
4) Reboot to test GoGo autoboot!
TOS 1.4 or Greater:
1) From the Desktop, highlight GOGOST.PRG in the folder
that you previously set up.
2) While GOGOST.PRG is highlighted, select Options from the
menu bar.
3) From the Options menu, select Install Application.
4) From the Install Application dialog box, select Auto and
then select Install.
5) Select Options from the menu bar, and select Save
6) Save the Desktop and reboot to test GoGo autoboot!
Getting Started
The Auto List:
The AUTO.LST file is the Current list when GoGo is first
executed. It contains a list of 50 path/filenames which are
currently blank.
Add a Program to a List:
1) Click with the left mouse button on any one of the 50
empty buttons.
2) The file selector opens and prompt text replaces the menu
3) Select an executable file (.PRG .TOS .TTP) and select OK
on the file selector.
4) The Box Setup Panel opens.
5) Enter the Box Title (if you wish it to be different from
the filename otherwise leave blank)
6) At bottom of Box Setup Panel select GEM or TOS for program
7) Select OK, and Box Setup Panel closes and Box Title name
shows in button you selected.
8) Test by executing your first program from within GoGo by
clicking the left mouse button on the button you filled.
9) When you exit your test program, GoGo should be right
there ready for your next execution.
10) Lists are automatically saved whenever you add or delete
something from them.
Add a Document to a List:
This is the best feature for speeding up your work sessions!
A document is any file that can be read into a word processor
or a program editor or a data base manager, etc... Any file
that normally you would load after loading an application.
Gogo allows you to automatically load an application and the
document you select an one time.
1) Click with the left mouse button on any one of the 50
empty buttons.
2) The file selector opens and prompt text replaces the menu
3) Select a document type file (.DOC .DB .TXT .ASC etc...)
and select OK on the file selector.
4) The Box Setup Panel opens.
5) Enter the Box Title (if you wish it to be different from
the document name otherwise leave blank)
6) In the box titled Application:, select an empty line
(dashed lines)
7) The file selector opens. Select an application, such as
a word processor, that can load the document you
selected in step 3. Select OK on file selector.
8) Notice the Application you selected fills the line and
is highlighted to show that this document will first
load this application.
9) Other applications can fill the 16 application boxes, so
that changing applications on a document file is very
easy in the future.
10) For Default Path: on the Box Setup Panel select File in
most cases. If your program acts strange such as not
loading correctly, go back and select Appl (application)
this will set the path to that of the application, and
in most cases remedy the problem. But there are about
1% of programs out there that will not load a document
correctly using either method and no cure is known,
except manually loading the application and loading the
document from within the application.
11) At bottom of Box Setup Panel select GEM or TOS for program
12) Select OK, and Setup Panel closes and Box Title name
shows in button you selected.
13) Test by executing your first document from within GoGo by
clicking the left mouse button on the button you filled.
14) When you exit your test document, GoGo should be right
there, ready for your next execution!
15) Hint: If you need to work quickly on one document in
several different applications, the quickest way to
switch is to set up several buttons holding the
document name but with a different application setup
to load before it. Then a switch from say word processor
to program editor for the same document is just a click
Add a Title to a Button:
It's possible to only fill in the Box Title in the Box Setup
Panel. This produces a Title Button that may be used to
categorise columns on a list.
Creating a New List:
GoGo can access over 200 different lists! Each list can have
it's own application grouping to cover different tasks.
1) Select the Setup button on GoGo.
2) From the Setup Dialog select Save List.
3) To create the new list just enter a new list name on
the file selector and select OK. (new lists must go to
the same folder as GoGo and end in .LST )
4) The new list is loaded and becomes the Current list.
5) Modify the new list to cover a specific set of tasks.
Load a List:
There are several ways to load a different list.
1) Click the left mouse button on the Up and Down arrow
buttons on GoGo.
2) Select Setup button, select Load List, select a list from
the file selector and select OK.
3) As of version 2.1 it is possible to store a list in a
button. Just follow the steps for adding a program but
select a list name rather than a program name for the
button. To go to that list just click the list button!
Make a List Auto:
You may prefer to have a certain list load on bootup of GoGo.
1) Select the Setup button on GoGo.
2) From Setup Dialog select Make List Auto.
3) The Current list will be set to load on your next bootup.
Delete a List:
Lists no longer needed may be deleted inside of GoGo or
outside from the desktop.
To delete a list while inside of GoGo:
1) Select Setup button.
2) Select Delete List from Setup dialog.
3) Select OK from dialog to delete the list.
Copy a Button:
You may wish to copy a button to different lists.
1) Select Copy on GoGo, Copy is highlighted.
2) Click left mouse button on a button to copy, button is
3) You can now go to another list using the UP or DOWN arrows
and complete the copy to a different list! (Ver. 2.3)
4) Click left mouse button on a button to copy to. If
destination button is already full the copy button will
overwrite the previous information in the destination
5) When done with Copy function, select Copy again to remove
highlight from Copy button.
Move a Button:
You may wish to rearrange your buttons for easier access.
1) Select Move on GoGo, Move is highlighted.
2) Click left mouse button on a button to move, button is
3) You can now go to another list using the UP or DOWN arrows
and complete the move to a different list! (Ver. 2.3)
4) Click left mouse button on a button to move to. If
destination button is already full the two buttons will
switch positions. On completion of each Move operation the
list in which you started the operation will become current.
5) When done with Move function, select Move again to remove
highlight from Move button.
Delete a Button:
Use to selectively modify a new list created from another
1) Select Delete on GoGo, Delete is highlighted.
2) Click left mouse button on any file buttons you wish to
3) Click left mouse button on Delete to remove highlight.
Edit a Button:
When you change the location of a program or document, GoGo
needs to know the new path/file names.
1) Select Edit on GoGo, Edit is highlighted.
2) Select a button to edit, file selector opens to old
3) Select the new path/filename and select OK.
4) Select OK on the Box Setup Panel.
5) When finished, select Edit to remove highlight.
The Log Function:
If you don't wish to keep track of how long you spend in each
1) Select Log On button on Gogo.
2) Log On changes to No Log to indicate log function off.
3) Select No Log button to get Log On back.
4) As of version 2.5, your last setting of Log button is saved during
exit from GoGo! Now you can set log to No Log and it will stay that
way until you need to log something. Thanks to several registered
users for this addition.
To Run a Program not on a list:
You may wish to test run some program without the extra time
of placing it on a list.
1) Select Run Other button on GoGo.
2) Select program to run from file selector, and select OK to
run program.
Using Memos! (New with version 3.1 of GoGo->ST!)
Tech Stuff:
Memos dynamicaly allocates RAM to hold the memos you create. Memory
is 180 bytes per memo. If GoGo->ST should find no more memory available
it will warn you. This is very unlikely. Up to 255 memos can be stored,
anything over 255 and GoGo->ST will warn you. Any time you delete a
Memo, GoGo->ST will give back a like amount of RAM. So if your machine
is tight on Memory, just try GoGo->ST without any Memos. One way to
remove Memos temporarily: Rename GOGO.MSG file to GOGO.MSX, load
GOGOST.PRG and your memos will not load. To get your memos back: Rename
GOGO.MSX to GOGO.MSG and load GOGOST.PRG, your memos will be there.
Add a Memo:
1) Select Memos from the menu bar. (Or just hit Control and A from the
2) Edit your memo using the up, down, left and right arrow keys. (Or
use the mouse to point to the next field to edit.)
3) Click on OK to save the new memo, or click any other button to
cancel the memo and not save it.
View, Edit or Delete Memos:
1) Select Memos from the menu bar. (Or just hit Control and V from the
2) The Memos are sorted by the date at the top left corner, and the
first memo to appear will have the earliest date.
3) Click on Prev or Next to see the rest of your Memos.
4) Click on Edit to edit any Memo and click OK when done editing. The
memo may be replaced by another if you change the top left date, but
it will still be in your list of memos.
5) To remove a single Memo from your list, select Delete when in the
Memo you want to delete. Then select OK when done or select
Prev or Next to continue thru your Memos.
Find a Memo quickly:
1) Select Memos from the menu bar. (Or just hit Control and F from the
2) Fill in a few characters of the string, date or time you are looking
for. Example: Looking for Mark Cawthon's address and phone number,
you type Caw, or type Mar or the City Mark lives in, etc.
3) Hit return or click on OK to get to the next Memo that matches your
string, date or time.
4) On any Memo click on Edit to edit the Memo, when done click OK
two times to get the next Memo that matches.
The Fields that make up a Memo:
1) Top left corner is the Date of the Memo. For an appointment enter:
12/31/91 for a Dec.31st,1991 meeting. For a birthday enter:
12/31/?? for a Dec.31st,Anyyear birthday. This field may be left
2) Top right corner is the Time of the Memo. For an appointment enter:
08:30p for an 8:30pm meeting time. If you have filled in the
required from and to dates (see below) your memo will pop-up 15 mins
before the appointment once.
3) Next four lines are for your Memo text. Anything at all can be
typed on these lines. Any line may be left blank.
4) Bottom left corner is the From Date of the Memo. Enter here the
first date to start displaying this Memo. Example: Your mom's
birthday in on Aug.12th, and you want a 10 day advance notice,
so enter 08/02/?? in the From Date field. The year is anyyear so
that it will pop-up the menu each year starting on the 2nd of Aug.
5) Bottom right corner is the To Date of the Memo. Enter here the
last date to end displaying this Memo. Using the example above,
you would enter 08/14/?? to pop-up the Memo every day from 08/02/??
till 08/14/??, the extra two days are in case you forget to use your
computer before her birthday and think she might forgive you for
calling her late!
Other GoGo->ST Features
Desk Accessories:
Desk Accessories such as the Atari Control Panel can
sometimes wind up behind GoGo, hidden and unselectable!
Just click the left mouse button on the GOGO->ST logo in the
top left corner of GoGo to bring the Accessory back into view.
Clock Function:
To set the calendar clock, click the left mouse button on the
time or calendar buttons on GoGo. The time dialog box opens
and new time and date is entered here. Select SET to set the
clock and exit back to GoGo. (For those without a battery
backed up clock, set the clock first thing after bootup.)
Find Function:
You may have a button on a list somewhere but you can't
remember which list.
1) Select Find on GoGo.
2) The Current: list line changes to Find: ___________
3) Enter a few characters of either the Box name or the
underlying filename and a wild card. (ex. Ta*)
4) Find will search through all of your lists and highlight
each button that matches your characters and wild card.
5) When the button highlighted is the one you were searching
for, just click on it to execute the program!
Check Path Function:
Here is a quick way to check the path of the filename in any
1) Hold down the Alt key on the keyboard.
2) Click and hold the left mouse button down on a button you
wish to check.
3) The menu bar is replaced with the path to the file and
the button is replaced with the hidden filename.
4) Let of on the Alt and mouse buttons to restore back to
Logging a Work Session:
For those who wish to track the time they spend on a project.
GoGo will automatically keep a log of each access to an
application and the length of time in it. Make sure the
Log On button on GoGo is showing. (not the No Log)
When exiting from GoGo the log dialog will ask if you wish
to save the log to disk, print it or just list it to screen.
If your logged work is important you MUST save it to disk
as a filename ending in .LOG or print it. A new log is
created each time you reboot GoGo from the desktop. This new
log is named GOGO.LOG and can be printed as an ASCII file if
you accidentally exit GoGo without printing it.
Help Function:
Help is just a keystroke away. Hit the Help key for a abreviated
help screen. Works in medium and high resolutions.
And now, a message from our sponsor:
Hey by the way, I don't mean to sound like a beggar here but
have you ever thought of how much time it takes to write and
debug a full blown program like GoGo->ST? I have spent hundreds
of late into the night hours on it and I ask you in return to send
$15.00, this is very low for shareware. If you have never before
sent money for shareware, start now. My experience with other
shareware offerings has been dismal. But, YOU can make a difference!
Atari computers will survive only if we continue to support our
For the newest version of GoGo->ST, without that persistant
dialog that you will see until I send you a registered version,
send a $15.00 U.S.A. funds contribution to:
Mark Cawthon
3550 Pacific Ave. #210
Livermore, CA 94550
GENIE Mail Address: M.CAWTHON1
PS. Please send a disk. It can be sent in a regular envelope.
As of Version 4.0, all registrations will be sent in 24 hours.
Please don't distribute your personalized copy of GoGo->ST!
Thankyou for your support! :^)